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Please adhere to the following restrictions to help control the spread of infectious disease in our homes, business, and community. 

Covid 19



1.  If you have any signs of illness....PLEASE STAY HOME!

2. Use provided disinfectant to wipe equipment before and after use.

3.  ONE visit of a maximum of 90 minutes per day and maximum of 30 minutes on any one machine/area. 

4.  No super sets.  Use only one area or machine at a time. 

5.  Do not use equipment that is adjacent to other users. 

6.  Practice social distancing at all times maintaining 6 feet of distance between you and others. 

7.  Wash and/or disinfect your hands frequently and do not touch your face.  

8.  Appointments are required for memberships related changes, sign ups, and tanning sessions.   

9.  No guests or short term memberships are currently available. 

10.  If you or anyone in your household has traveled outside the state or been exposed to an area of confirmed cases, wait at least 7 days (symptom free) or get a negative test result prior to returning to the facility. 



Intentional and/or repeat non-compliance may result in termination of your membership status.


© 2020 by Adrenline Fitness LLC. All rights reserved.   5085 E 151st St S, Bixby, Ok, 74008


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